Customer Survey Contact InformationName(Required) First Last Email(Required) PhoneSelf Storage Unit NumberUnit NumberHow did you hear about Store UR Stuff?How did you hear about Store UR Stuff? Friend / Family Drove Past Google / Search Engine Social Media Postcard Flyer Other Why Store UR Stuff?Why Store UR Stuff? Location Price Third Choice Overall, how would you rate your experience at Store UR Stuff?Overall, how would you rate your experience at Store UR Stuff? Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Extremely Unsatisfied How would you rate our cleanliness?Facility Outstanding Great Good Okay Bad Horrible Car Park Outstanding Great Good Okay Bad Horrible Storage Unit Outstanding Great Good Okay Bad Horrible Office Outstanding Great Good Okay Bad Horrible Did we offer simple, secure, convenient and cost effective storage solution?Simple Extremely Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Extremely Disagree Secure Extremely Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Extremely Disagree Convenient Extremely Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Extremely Disagree Cost Effective Extremely Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Extremely Disagree Did you use any recommended services offered by Store UR Stuff?Did you use any recommended services offered by Store UR Stuff? Yes No Can’t Remember If yes, which recommended service did you use and how would you rate them?If yes, which recommended service did you use and how would you rate them?How did you find the customer service you received and why?How did you find the customer service you received Outstanding Great Good Okay Bad Horrible Why?How likely are you to recommend Store UR Stuff to a friend, colleague or family member out of 10?How likely are you to recommend Store UR Stuff to a friend, colleague or family member out of 10?10987654321How likely are you to recommend Store UR Stuff to a friend, colleague or family member?How likely are you to recommend Store UR Stuff to a friend, colleague or family member? Very Likely Likely Not Likely Unlikely Very Unlikely Comment (optional)What was your reason for leaving Store UR Stuff?What was your reason for leaving Store UR Stuff? Storage No Longer Required Too Expensive Third Choice Other Any other comments or feedback you would like to leave for Store UR Stuff Management and Staff?Any other comments or feedback you would like to leave for Store UR Stuff Management and Staff? Δ