How to maximise your storage space
When hiring out a storage unit, you should always try to maximise your storage space the best you can. This will help you get the best value for money as you’re able to fit more things in and avoid renting multiple storage units. Therefore, allowing you to choose a smaller unit size and saving yourself money!
Quite often people will just throw (not literally) their belongings into a storage unit and leave it at that. Meaning there’s a lot more space to be utilised, but poor organisation results in clutter and wasted space.
Utilising your storage space can be an easy task. So, read on for some great tips and information on how to best utilise your storage space.
Where to start
Firstly, maximising your storage space can be approached in many ways. From the way you stack boxes, the size of the boxes, shelving, vacuum bags and so much more. There are a wide range of things you can do to create more storage space – so get sorting!
In no order, these are some of the best ways to make the most of your storage unit:
1. Put heavier items on the bottom
Obviously, you’re not going to want to damage your valuables in the process of storing them. You should always store the heaviest items on the bottom. Also avoid stacking piles too high or too heavy. Your bottom item may be the heaviest, but that doesn’t mean it can comfortably hold 6 other boxes on top.
2. Store larger items first
Make sure you stack larger items in first. This will make it easier to organise your storage space as you won’t be needing to constantly move around large items. Plus, it’s easier to fill the gaps with smaller items once the larger items are there.
3. Keep items you’ll access frequently at the front
Rather than having to shift through everything and dig up a box from the back. Try packing the items that you’ll need to access frequently at the front. This will help to ensure that your storage unit stays neat and tidy as you won’t be rummaging through it all the time.
4. Use boxes instead of bags
A number one storage tip is to use boxes instead of bags. Using boxes allows you to stack your storage unit as well as protect more valuable/breakable items. Bags are flimsy, can rip and are not ideal to use.
5. Use portable shelving racks
Using portable shelving racks is a great way to maximise your storage space. Shelving allows you to stack multiple items, both heavy and light. It’s a great way to avoid stacking boxes on boxes and running the risk of squashing/breaking valuables.
In addition, there are many different types of portable shelving to choose from. This being; size, weight capabilities, width, style and more. Your local hardware store will no doubt have the perfect storage solution for you!
6. Use vacuum storage bags for clothing
Clothing can take up lots of space and be hard to fit into a storage box. If you have a lot of clothing to store, you’ll probably be needing more than 3 boxes. In addition, a great way to store your clothes and keep them protected at the same time is to use vacuum storage bags. Vacuum bags will compact your clothing and allow for you to fit much more into a box.
7. Make an inventory
Making sure you pack your storage unit the best you can is important. However, knowing where certain things are is just as important. When storing things away it’s great to label boxes and items, as well as take photos of the items in those boxes.
As you begin the packing process, create a list of all the items within the storage unit. If you want to be extra organised, also list where those items are stored. Doing this will help to ensure you know where everything is. Making it easy to just read the inventory and find things first go.
Ready to rent a storage unit?
Once you’re ready to move into your storage unit, simply follow all of the tips provided and use your storage space efficiently and effectively. The tips mentioned will both save you money and time. Ensuring you utilise your space and keep it organised.
Now that you know how to best use your storage space, it’s time to find a storage unit! Check out the range of storage options Store Ur Stuff have to offer. From smaller units to larger units that could fit furniture from a 4 bedroom home plus more.
Lastly, check out the blogs page for more great storage tips and tricks.